1955 JD Model 60 Carb - What Model?


Hello! First timer here, please be kind :) I have a 60 that I inherited from my Father, that I'm trying to get going again. I have repaired a rear wheel, replaced a rear tire, replaced the water pump, replaced the sediment bowl, cleaned out the fuel tank, and now I'm down to the carb. I know it is a Marvel Schebler DLTX duplex carb, but from the Tag, I'm not sure of the exact model. I have attached photos of the tractor serial number and the tag on the carb. The tag reads

6 55

Thanks in advance for any help!


Thanks! I wonder why the Tag has 6 55 on it. Manufacture date maybe? I thought the tag was supposed to have the model number on it. Oh well, thanks, guys :)

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