1972 Massy Ferguson 285

HS farm

New User
I have a hydraulic leak and I’m wondering if anyone knows what the tube is behind this plate. When tractor is running it drips from this alomite fitting and also from that little clip behind it. I took off the plate once and there is a tube connected to it so my first thought it was an overflow tube. What is it and why is it leaking and how do I fix it? And if it is an overflow tube why is it leaking in the clip behind it? I’ll circle the two things I’m talking about. It’s a significant drip not some small occasional drip.


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If that plate is on the underside of the clutch housing, either the rear main seal of the engine or the input shaft seal(s) of the transmission are leaking. Does the oil look black like engine oil from a diesel or cleaner like hydraulic oil?
The tube the grease zerk is in should be going to the throwout bearing so you can grease the bearing a shot or two when you service the tractor. It should not be connected to the hydraulics.

The cotter pin is used as a jiggle pin to keep the seepage drain hole open so oil doesn't build up in the clutch area and cause clutch issues.

The tube the grease zerk is in should be going to the throwout bearing so you can grease the bearing a shot or two when you service the tractor. It should not be connected to the hydraulics.

The cotter pin is used as a jiggle pin to keep the seepage drain hole open so oil doesn't build up in the clutch area and cause clutch issues.

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So if hydraulic oil is coming out of both there is a seal that needs replaced which the tractor would have to be split?

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