1985 Ford 545a - Used to start but suddenly does not crank.


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Looking for some help. Just to provide some background, I was spreading heaps of mulch which pretty much got under the tractor. Got stuck. I was able to pull out tractor but now I can’t start the tractor no more. Battery fine. I does not even crank. Had to resort to start from it from the starter which it immediately did.
Looks like some mechanism that is preventing it from starting. I put in on neutral as well the drive to the mid point. Which is what I need to do to start it,
Looks like something else happened and have no idea.

Any guidance/advice willl be helpful
Thanks in advance
Perhaps a starter interlock switch the most common is neutral on trans or shuttle if equipped. I don't know what you mean by "start from it from the starter", or "in on neutral as well as the drive to the midpoint"

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