2-105 transmission lube sensor

Has anyone changed this sensor recently? My light never comes on, so I grounded the wire attached to the sensor and then it came on. Appears the sensor is stuck. The manual shows that the sensor should close at .6 PSI. The new sensor I bought from AGCO closes at 14 PSI. I don't think the trans lube oil even gets up to 14 PSI. Also, shouldn't the sensor open at .6 PSI not close? The way I see it, the sensor should be normally closed, which would allow the light to come on when the ignition switch is on and then open at .6 PSI when the lube pump is running which would break the circuit and shut the light off. Any thoughts?
UPDATE - I contacted AGCO and started asking questions. After a while, they realized they had put the wrong pressure switches in the system. The correct pressure switch is adjustable from .5 PSI to 1 PSI. It is also a normally closed switch. The AGCO part number is 30-3164047. Hopefully this can help someone in the future.The maintenance manual is also incorrect because it calls for a normally open switch and it definitely needs to be normally closed.
So the part they gave you is the correct part number but the wrong part?

Did the wrong part have 2 terminals but the correct part only has 1 terminal?

Is this the wrong part?

I picked this part up at the dealer back in early April and just got around to installing it but it doesn’t appear to be the correct part even though it came in a bag with the correct number.

Thanks for any help


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So the part they gave you is the correct part number but the wrong part?

Did the wrong part have 2 terminals but the correct part only has 1 terminal?

Is this the wrong part?

I picked this part up at the dealer back in early April and just got around to installing it but it doesn’t appear to be the correct part even though it came in a bag with the correct number.

Thanks for any help
Correct part should have 1 terminal. They told me they have the problem fixed now

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