2-70 Questions


New User
Just bought a 2-70 4WD.
Where is the best place to find out about the diesel engine/ parts etc.
Any cold start tips ?
Any other tips??

Thank you !
You have a relatively rare and sought after version of the 2-70 . What do you want to know about the engine? Parts should be readily available at your closest aftermarket dealer. I think others have suggested some places in answer to your posts on the Oliver section, but just google and you will find . There should be a decal on your dash that describes preheating time for cold starts. There may have been overhaul/valve jobs done that may be causing your hard starting. Both intake and exhaust have a protrusion spec and you need to stick to the high side of them. Do a search on here as there have been all kinds of disscusions on this topic in the past. Any idea on how many hours? Could just be time for an O/H. I guess one tip would be dont go down a hill in redneck overdrive ( that would be under on your 3 speed hydraul shift) as it freewheels. Start down the hill in direct or over, and whatever you do do not shift from under to direct or over to try and slow down. They are a great tractor, very nice to operate. Being you have a 4WD it makes it even more worthwhile to fix up and use.
You have a relatively rare and sought after version of the 2-70 . What do you want to know about the engine? Parts should be readily available at your closest aftermarket dealer. I think others have suggested some places in answer to your posts on the Oliver section, but just google and you will find . There should be a decal on your dash that describes preheating time for cold starts. There may have been overhaul/valve jobs done that may be causing your hard starting. Both intake and exhaust have a protrusion spec and you need to stick to the high side of them. Do a search on here as there have been all kinds of disscusions on this topic in the past. Any idea on how many hours? Could just be time for an O/H. I guess one tip would be dont go down a hill in redneck overdrive ( that would be under on your 3 speed hydraul shift) as it freewheels. Start down the hill in direct or over, and whatever you do do not shift from under to direct or over to try and slow down. They are a great tractor, very nice to operate. Being you have a 4WD it makes it even more worthwhile to fix up and use.
Definitely going to fix it up. 4800 hours. Going to get the engine rebuilt soon I think trying to find the best place to do that . I like the way it looks pretty sharp. I grew up on a farm in Canada with Olivers but never saw Whites til i moved to the states. Thank you all for your wisdom !! If you know any tractor repair people you would suggest in Minnesota please let me know !! Thanks again ! :)
Watch Chris Losey That Oliver Guy, he's in Michigan
Or Ross the Oliver Guy, he's in Indiana
Both on YouTube.
Lots of excellent vids on the very things you're asking.
Good luck with your project. Show us pictures, inquiring minds want to see....
GG Wes

Make time to come to Missouri for the National Hart Parr Oliver Show in Booneville Mo.
September 5-8
GG Wes
Definitely going to fix it up. 4800 hours. Going to get the engine rebuilt soon I think trying to find the best place to do that . I like the way it looks pretty sharp. I grew up on a farm in Canada with Olivers but never saw Whites til i moved to the states. Thank you all for your wisdom !! If you know any tractor repair people you would suggest in Minnesota please let me know !! Thanks again ! :)
What part of Minnesota have you settled in?

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