2005 case jx75


New User
my tractor had a runaway engine. I was able to stall the engine before (I think) any severe damage was done. Upon investigating, it seems the hydraulic oil has flooded the crank case and cause the run on engine. I suspect maybe the seal in the hydraulic pump has been letting oil by and into the crank case? I pulled the pump but it appears in good shape, could the seal be letting oil by when the pump is under pressure but look ok sitting on the bench? thanks for any responses
Thanks for the reply Used Red, I am going to try a new pump and see if that fixes things
Well, installed a new hydraulic pump and new injectors (had couple of misses when mid speed). Engine seems to run a lot smoother than I remember. I believe I got it shutdown in time. Now I will just have to keep an eye on all the oil levels daily!

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