2024.04.02 Tractor Pics


Well-known Member
NW Minnesota

Tractor Pic
John Deere 4020 with cab
2024.04.02 - John Deere 4020 with cab.jpg

Rust Pic
rusty farm truck and tractor
2024.04.02 - Don't fence me in.jpg

Massey Ferguson 14 with Sickle Bar Mower (in New Zealand)
2024.4.02 - Massey Ferguson 14 with Sickle Bar Mower (in New Zealand).jpg

EXTRA Pic x2
Bean Harvesting
2024.04.02 - Bean Harvesting.jpg

Truck Pic
rusty old truck....still waiting for gas
2024.04.02 - Rusty Old Truck...Still Waiting for Gas.jpg

Tractor Funny
Red Green's Amphibious Car

2024.04.02 - Red Green's Amphibious Car.jpg
4020 Deere 12:40

Rust 16:59. Had trouble with that one.

MF 14 sickle bar 12:18.

Bean Harvesting 16:16. Black and white is always harder.

Truck at gas station 13:37.

Red Green 10:34.

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