318 LA Dodge

I recently resealed a 318, complete tear down and repair. Upon assembly I primed the oiling system, had 60 lbs and oil to both rocker shafts. When I installed the engine you have to remove the oil filter to install a bell housing bolt. I pulled the oil filter off and to my surprise there was no oil in the filter. Remember I had 60 psi and oil to both rocker shafts. Any insight would be appreciated.
I recently resealed a 318, complete tear down and repair. Upon assembly I primed the oiling system, had 60 lbs and oil to both rocker shafts. When I installed the engine you have to remove the oil filter to install a bell housing bolt. I pulled the oil filter off and to my surprise there was no oil in the filter. Remember I had 60 psi and oil to both rocker shafts. Any insight would be appreciated.
Was the oil filter a cross over number?

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