335 hydraulic problem


New User
There is a metal tube (#11A8532) from the 3 point lift cylinder to the valve body.
The end of the tube at the cylinder is held by a clip (#10A7709), what holds the tube to the valve body?

I was lifting an implement yesterday and the tube popped out on the valve body end.
What do I need to do to fix it?

Thanks for your replies.
Loosen the 4 nuts that hold the valve body cover then shove your pipe in all the way . Then push the front cover sideways so cover hole is offset to valve body hole and tighten nuts. This will catch the oring nob on tube and this will prevent tube from comming out. Simple and very effective way to hold tube in hole.
Captainhookerus excellent idea.
I wish I saw your reply earlier.
Thank you for replying.

I ended up making an another clip for the valve side
with a spacer to hold the tube in the hole at least
a 1/2" deep. It seems to be working so far.


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