4440 with 720 loader issue


I purchased this 4440 with 720 loader already installed about 3 years ago. It has the JD joystick control in the cab. The issue I'm having is sometimes the loader won't release pressure after I shut off the tractor. Like if I want to drop the bucket to the ground after I shut it off, it won't. Other times it will. What controls that? Everything works perfectly with the tractor running. I've been around several tractor mounted loaders in the past and have never seen this issue before.
My guess is FEL control valve has a faulty check valve. Which brand(Husco or Eaton) control valve does this 720 loader have?
I’m not sure. Can you tell from the pictures?


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I purchased this 4440 with 720 loader already installed about 3 years ago. It has the JD joystick control in the cab. The issue I'm having is sometimes the loader won't release pressure after I shut off the tractor. Like if I want to drop the bucket to the ground after I shut it off, it won't. Other times it will. What controls that? Everything works perfectly with the tractor running. I've been around several tractor mounted loaders in the past and have never seen this issue before.
That's the way they work it is a safety thing. If you shut the tractor off and emeaditly run the lever it move.

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