4500 ford rear wheel adjustment

larry zielkowski

Well-known Member
does anyone have any info on rear wheel rim adjustment I am assuming my tractor (backhoe ) might be more stable on hills and uneven terrain if I widen the rims but what might widening them cost me in performance whats the downside thanks
does anyone have any info on rear wheel rim adjustment I am assuming my tractor (backhoe ) might be more stable on hills and uneven terrain if I widen the rims but what might widening them cost me in performance whats the downside thanks
The biggest issue might be if you trailer it.
You would need a deck over trailer cause it won't fit between the tires on a 102" wide trailer. If the tractor never has to travel beyond what you are willing to drive it I can see no problem with your plan.
The biggest issue might be if you trailer it.
You would need a deck over trailer cause it won't fit between the tires on a 102" wide trailer. If the tractor never has to travel beyond what you are willing to drive it I can see no problem with your plan.
Thanks Ultradog for all of the great support over the years, I appreciate it
Depends on which rear wheels it has. Some of them have single piece wheels that cannot be adjusted. If it has the manual adjust wheels, then the various configurations and track widths should be in the Operator's Manual. Also, if it has heavy wheel weights and/or liquid ballast inside the tires, you will need to be very careful handling those wheels.
Thanks Sean I have the adjustable rims ,air filled ,but no operators manual . I just bought a reduction gear lug wrench so i can do a little trial and error its a real time and energy saver

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