560 run a backhoe?

8N Tim

Hello everyone, I have a Bobcat 607 backhoe attachment with a 12” bucket left over from when I had a skid. I have a IH Farmall 560 diesel with a 2 point fast hitch and everything I need to make a 2 point to skid adapter. It would only be for occasional use but I’m wondering if the 12gpm hydraulic flow would run it. My skid had 35gpm but it was almost too much and I had to run at idle to avoid getting thrown around. Has anyone tried it? I don’t think I have ever seen a IH with a backhoe haha.
I have a JD [bradco] 3ph backhoe, I use on my 574 when I need to. The tractor has a 12 gpm pump too, it's no speed demon, but theres no time clock on me. I've dug out some rocks & stumps that barely wiggled when I started. You might want some front end weight, as these are pretty heavy.
Brother had me convert a CaseIH utility backhoe, was a belly mount to three point. All went well till we hooked up the hydraulics, hoe was open center and the tractor is closed center. Doubt he will use it, but think you will have the same out come, just the hoe is closed and the 560 open.
It would probably make the hoe operate. But it would be REAL slooowww. And digging power would also be 'compromised'.
Agreed. It would run it, just slowly.

I would also be concerned about the leverage the hoe put on the fast hitch. There is a lot more metal in the backhoe mounts on much smaller compact tractors than there is in that fast hitch, and it's all firmly bolted to the frame of the tractor front to back, not loosely flopping around and only really connected at one point under the belly.. It's designed for a straight line pull not a long-armed twisting force that the backhoe will put on it. Being limited by GPM and pressure may be a good thing in this situation.
Agreed. It would run it, just slowly.

I would also be concerned about the leverage the hoe put on the fast hitch. There is a lot more metal in the backhoe mounts on much smaller compact tractors than there is in that fast hitch, and it's all firmly bolted to the frame of the tractor front to back, not loosely flopping around and only really connected at one point under the belly.. It's designed for a straight line pull not a long-armed twisting force that the backhoe will put on it. Being limited by GPM and pressure may be a good thing in this situation.
Yeah, the hitch is pretty beefy but I know a backhoe subframe would be better. I bought a Branson/TYM 2515H but didn’t want to spend an extra $7000 on the crappy little backhoe they come with when I had the skid hoe sitting around. I was thinking about putting some chains and binders around the rear axle to the backhoe to relieve a bit of stress from the hitch but I also want to be careful to not damaging the axle housing
Yeah, the hitch is pretty beefy but I know a backhoe subframe would be better. I bought a Branson/TYM 2515H but didn’t want to spend an extra $7000 on the crappy little backhoe they come with when I had the skid hoe sitting around. I was thinking about putting some chains and binders around the rear axle to the backhoe to relieve a bit of stress from the hitch but I also want to be careful to not damaging the axle housing
What I'm saying is the hitch is NOT pretty beefy compared to a backhoe subframe.

3pt backhoes have a rigid connection to the top link which takes a lot of the stress.
What I'm saying is the hitch is NOT pretty beefy compared to a backhoe subframe.

3pt backhoes have a rigid connection to the top link which takes a lot of the stress.
Yes, I do understand that, I worked as a lead mechanic at a Kubota dealer for years so I know about sub frames. That said the hitch on my 560 is a lot beefier than slapping it on the crap Branson 3 point.
If indeed the hoe is able to work on an open center hydraulic system then I think it would work. It would be slow as has been said. Your photo isn’t side view but I am going to say that being a skid steer hoe it is probably not quite as beasty as some. You may indeed want to find a way to anchor to hoe tightly to the tractor maybe utilizing a screw type load binder. Also a solid upper mount point may also be a good addition. Those fast-hitches do seem to get a lot of slack in them over time.
Update, I swapped the hydraulic fittings over on the backhoe to test. I would say the backhoe movement functions just as quickly as when it was hooked to my skid steer so flow won’t be an issue. I’m sure it will be weaker due to the 560 being much lower pressure than my skid steer but that’s probably good. I had a global hitch to universal quick attach adapter laying around and I picked up a new set of 2 point prongs. Now I just have to do all the welding. I will post an update after I try it out.

If you don't use a power beyond plate you will need to tie one of the hydraulic lever in the on position which can make the oil heat up pretty fast in summer temperatures. We used to use an old Shawnee hoe that way on an 830 case for years with no bad problems by tieing one valve open while in use.

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