602 electrical system

Got home with a 602 the other day and was looking it over and found it still has a generator (Delco ?#) but it was hooked up as negative ground. Disconnected the battery and I'm in search of information. I 'd like to hear it run again (previous owner started and loaded it}. Everything I remember and have in service manuals indicates a positive ground. Serial number 26500561.
Looked at it one more time and noticed that there are two wires
going to the coil, one to both sides. On positive ground systems I
think there is only one wire hooked to the "-" post on the coil. I"ll
probably hook the battery back up tomorrow and start it up and
see what the ammeter shows.
With generator it can be set up either positive or negative ground. Most generators were positive ground from the factory but will work either way if properly connected.

You say 2 wires to the coil. Does this have a ballast resistor between switch and coil? If so, the oher wire could come from start solenoid and is designed to bypass the resistor when starter is engeged, thus increasing voltage to the coil to give hotter spark for starting.

We have a 302 wired this way.

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