70 Diesel Thrust Washers

So... I have a typical John Deere 70 Diesel that has a bit of an endplay problem. I do not have a dial indicator, so I have no idea what the end play is, but it is excessive. It does have a
taper-lock flywheel, and after I removed it, I took off the slinger housing, and found the remnants of a fiber thrust washer, and no steel thrust washer. After I received new washers (the
steel one is not cheap!) I put it all back together and before I put the flywheel on, I moved the crank with the clutch lever, and found that I had the same amount of endplay. My
question is simply this: why do I still have endplay?
The 70 you have to add or remove shims under the slinger housing IIRC. The I & T book shows how to make a simple spacer from pipe you can use to hold the spacer in place to test your end play without having to remove and replace the flywheel each time. About every diesel 2 cyl. I worked on had a miss match of parts in there. Between the 70 and 720's there were lots of changes to that oil slinger and housing.

Mike M is right, who knows what you have especially since you have a taperlock flywheel installed (I have one too). If you are lucky Blksmok will comment as he is the go-to guy on the 70D. The other guys are Clooney and FIT but they are no longer here. I have done this repair on two of my 70D but have seen this topic turn into a spitting match, I'm not going there. My advice is to get a dial indicator, a 70D service manual or at least the IT manual. Check this site for previous posts, try the one below as FIT and Clooney both contribute.
70D endplay
Henry..what is the part number on the thrust cover/oil slinger housing? The 70 diesel called it a thrust cover while the black dash 720s and 730s called it an oil slinger housing. That part number determines what parts you should find inside. The thrust cover should be F1928R while the oil slinger cover should be F-3563R or F-3566R. Being that you did not have a metal thrust plate inside, I am guessing your 70 diesel was upgraded at some point. The flywheel spacer is also quite different. If you can post pics of what parts you have in your assembly.

You should have something that resembles this:

Dan.thanks for posting the diagram. What is shown there is what came originally on a 70 diesel. Used with a F1913R flywheel and a F1928R thrust cover. Two fiber F1926R thrust washers and a metal F1927R thrust plate.. the flywheel spacer is A3324R. If the 70 diesel was overhauled or had crankshaft repairs.the flywheel, flywheel spacer and fiber washer all have different part numbers. They did not use a metal thrust plate in the upgrade package and only one fiber thrust washer. However, when you work on one you usually find different combinations of parts. Kind of like a box of chocolates :)
So what I can find on the thrust cover/oil slinger housing is the number R 21625R, which is on the outside. Now it doesn't match up with any of the part numbers listed above, so now I'm confused.

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