7700 hydraulics???


I just bought a 7700 and couldn't be happier with it, but I can't figure out the remote hydraulics.
From the back of the tractor, there are three sets of remote couplings - two stacked couplings on the left, and a single set on the
right. But there are only two remote levers next to the seat. I've got the inside lever working the couplings on the right side, so
I can run the haybine.
When I hook up the haybine hoses to either of the couplings on the left side, hydraulic fluid shoots out the coupling on the right
side no matter which lever I work.
I'm going to need to run two remotes on a bale wagon. What's going on?
Thanks for any help.
As Welding man said, the one set is for the load monitor system.
They are tied to the 3 ph. There is an ASC lever that activates them and allows you to sync the 3 ph with a special remote cyl.
If you are not using the special cyl the ASC lever must be deactivated or you will deadhead the hydralics.
The other 2 sets should work with the levers. Be aware that the load monitor set may be any one of the 3 sets.
Follow the hoses. The load monitor hoses start out as hard lines I believe.
You could also try moving the levers and watch the hoses. One hose should move when you pressurize it.
For all practical purposes, you really only have 2 sets of remotes with that system.
The operator's manual would be really helpful in this situation.
One set of couplers is dedicated to that Load Monitor deal. Ford was mighty proud of that setup and continued to put it on tractors long after 80% of folk didnt bother using it any more. Just get enough hp and a big plow that weighs enough and go plow, dont need all that setup stuff on the tractor.

Anyhow, you will never use one of the coupler sets. You need the levers, knob as well, set right inside the tractor. Basically all of it off. It would allow you to raise and lower a plow that lifts with the 3pt and a rear wheel cylinder, as well as keep it level and pulling even, by only using the 3pt lever to control both ends of the plow. It needed the special Ford hyd cylinder with the arrow cast on it, turn the arrow to the right side for what mode you are using.

A manual is going to be your friend on that. I have a 7700 since the 1980s and Im scared to tell you from memory how it needs to be set.

The good news is you should be fine when you get it figured out.


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