8n starter doesn't engage when hot.


Well-known Member
What would cause a 8n starter to not engage when the engine is hot. when cold it starts every time. when tractor runs for a while and gets to operating temp, then the starter doesn't engage. That is what they told me. I am thinking of buying it on an auction. what would it be worth?
What would cause a 8n starter to not engage when the engine is hot. when cold it starts every time. when tractor runs for a while and gets to operating temp, then the starter doesn't engage. That is what they told me. I am thinking of buying it on an auction. what would it be worth?
The starter may need a new drive, or a variety of things in the start motor itself from the relay to the brushes. But that should not make or break a purchase. 8N Fords are very common. Tires near new, 1800 to 2400. tires needed or less than 1/2, 1200 to 1500. Where I come from! Jim
What would cause a 8n starter to not engage when the engine is hot. when cold it starts every time. when tractor runs for a while and gets to operating temp, then the starter doesn't engage. That is what they told me. I am thinking of buying it on an auction. what would it be worth?
First, we need to define EXACTLY what is happening.

Is it totally "dead" when this happens, does the solenoid "click", does the starter motor run, without the starter drive engaging the flywheel? Or???
First, we need to define EXACTLY what is happening.

Is it totally "dead" when this happens, does the solenoid "click", does the starter motor run, without the starter drive engaging the flywheel? Or???
I wish I knew. Just was told when hot it’s like the starter won’t engage. I take it it spins but who knows. On auction’s anything is possible. I know it starts cold as I’ve moved it around the auction yard. Guy that brought it there said starter won’t engage when hot. No idea what that means. They used it to mow a huge yard but never shut it off unless you were going for lunch. Just seamed strange to me.

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