9n starter button not working

Big TJ

New User
9n starter button near the shift lever.

I removed the sheetmetal and gas tank to replace the water pump.
Water pump installation went fine.
Returned the sheet metal and gas tank and hit starter button to start engine and check for leaks.
Starter and engine turned over.
Fan shroud had bent in a little causing fan blade to strike it, so stopped cranking to adjust shroud.
Adjusted shroud, fan no longer striking it.
Attempted to start again and now starter button will not crank starter.
No adjustments or anything done to the electrical system other than battery disconnected while replacing water pump.
Attempted bypass of starter with jump pack directly to starter, grounded on frame. Starter turns over.

I know there is a starter "cutout" switch, but don't understand fully where it fits into the process. Could it have gone bad?
I haven't put the sheetmetal and gas tank back on yet as I don't want to have to remove it again to replace the cutout or something under there if required.
What might cause it to not work in between removing the battery terminal to adjust the fan shroud, since I did nothing to the electrical? Maybe just reached it's limit coinidentally?

Any help is appreciated.
9n starter button near the shift lever.

I removed the sheetmetal and gas tank to replace the water pump.
Water pump installation went fine.
Returned the sheet metal and gas tank and hit starter button to start engine and check for leaks.
Starter and engine turned over.
Fan shroud had bent in a little causing fan blade to strike it, so stopped cranking to adjust shroud.
Adjusted shroud, fan no longer striking it.
Attempted to start again and now starter button will not crank starter.
No adjustments or anything done to the electrical system other than battery disconnected while replacing water pump.
Attempted bypass of starter with jump pack directly to starter, grounded on frame. Starter turns over.

I know there is a starter "cutout" switch, but don't understand fully where it fits into the process. Could it have gone bad?
I haven't put the sheetmetal and gas tank back on yet as I don't want to have to remove it again to replace the cutout or something under there if required.
What might cause it to not work in between removing the battery terminal to adjust the fan shroud, since I did nothing to the electrical? Maybe just reached it's limit coinidentally?

Any help is appreciated.
If I removed the battery cable from the battery, and it won't turn now, I would back up and double check that the terminals and clamps were shiny clean. Both terminals, both clamps, the opposite ends of both cables as well, and that the ends were secure and affixed on the cables as a first step.

I don't know about a starter cutout switch. I know the gear shift has to be in neutral for the original starter button to operate the starter circuit.
If I removed the battery cable from the battery, and it won't turn now, I would back up and double check that the terminals and clamps were shiny clean. Both terminals, both clamps, the opposite ends of both cables as well, and that the ends were secure and affixed on the cables as a first step.

I don't know about a starter cutout switch. I know the gear shift has to be in neutral for the original starter button to operate the starter circuit.
I will check that. Gear shift lever is in neutral. Also 6v with generator, if that matters. Thanks for the quick reply.
Cleaned and tightened all terminals. Still nothing from the switch. When I use my jJump start box directly to starter, grounded on frame, it spins the starter right up. I am thinking a bad starter switch maybe. There is the push button switch in front of the gear shifter. That's what I am pushing and getting nothing. The terminals for it come out of the back side of the steering box.

Cutout is actually for the generator. I don't think it is an issue. Sorry for the confusion there.
Don't own a 9n but have an 8n. I have read where due to wear in the linkage and rod you need to glue a nickel to the starter switch so when you push the button the rod pushes the switch further closing the contacts. IDK?. Let us know if this works
Big TJ, welcome by the way. Brad may be right on the money. With the tractor in neutral, key off, try jumping those terminals on the starter switch with a screwdriver or something. If the starter spins then you know where to look. That's a mechanical switch that closes the contacts by a rod pushed into it by the start button. If the starter still won't spin, then I would be looking at bad battery cables.
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Got it running. I don't know what changed, except that I removed the battery to more easily check the starter switch, then realized that wouldn't work because I needed battery power to test the switch. (Duh). Put the battery back in, reclamped the cables, and decided to hit the switch one last time before I checked across the starter terminals. Perhaps I had prayed over it enough, because on quick tap on the switch and the starter spun.

Battery is 5yo, and maybe when I cleaned the terminals I didn't get it back tight enough? Hard to believe b/c I couldn't pull the cables off by hand without loosening the clamp bolt.

Regardless, it's running again with one short tap on the starter button it starts right up.
Got it running. I don't know what changed, except that I removed the battery to more easily check the starter switch, then realized that wouldn't work because I needed battery power to test the switch. (Duh). Put the battery back in, reclamped the cables, and decided to hit the switch one last time before I checked across the starter terminals. Perhaps I had prayed over it enough, because on quick tap on the switch and the starter spun.

Battery is 5yo, and maybe when I cleaned the terminals I didn't get it back tight enough? Hard to believe b/c I couldn't pull the cables off by hand without loosening the clamp bolt.

Regardless, it's running again with one short tap on the starter button it starts right up.

Sounds like a bad Bat hookup after the previous work.

I've had to the switch on my 9N, where the shifter safety pushes the contacts, on other side of steering housing quit. (Where starter power feeds from).

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