A Cat D6b... my newly acquired step child.... Age? 44A1053


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As of this last Thursday I am the proud owner of a Cat D6b baby boy. Had it hauled to it's new home and am now learning what I have committed to. Through my previous research I have narrowed it's DOB to 1960 but would like to confirm that as I have no actual confirmation as of yet. I have not yet been able to actually determine it's weight either. In hind site I should have had the diesel stork (low boy hauler) stop by the scales before delivering it.

I am not new to the world of big toys.... cut my teeth many moons ago on a JD 2010 crawler with clam shell bucket and backhoe. I currently own numerous pieces of industrial equipment to include a JD350b crawler, 2 Case CK580's, 5 fork lifts, Single axle dump truck, 2 industrial man lifts, and a partridge in a pear tree... I think that's how it goes. I have also assembled a 16,000 sq ft prototyping shop which affords me to repair, overhaul, and build anything my little pea brain has a hankerin to. All this is to say that the D6b has a new home that will serve it well.

I will be speaking to it's quirks and needs here in the coming month as it was purchased to be instrumental in another new endeavor.... building a subdivision from scratch. For anyone that can confirm my suspicions regarding it's birth date I thank you in advance.
Year 1960 confirmed.


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Hi Dennis,

Thank you very much.

Getting ready to submit a new topic for the D6b. Shame on me for not discovering this before purchase but it turns out the unit has a right steering issue. It barely turns... I mean just inches when you give it full brake and pull the lever all the way back but as I said... will start a new thread for that.
I'm going to guess it weighs in close to 12-15 tone depending on the blade it has just a straight blade or one you can angle some. We have a NO6 Traxcavator and the book says it weights something like 28,000. It has a loader on it and is basically a similar model of D-6 IF you look down beside the radiator you can see the D-6 molded into the side of the cast iron radiator side piece. It is a 10A1 guessing it is similar in age to your machine or maybe a bit older not for sure what age it is. We've had it since the mid 1970's .
I have a 1961 D6B. Mine is a collection of different dozers. It was owned my the Natural Resources Branch office of Eglin AFB in Florida. As I understand, it was the last one they had still running when they got rid of it. It was used to maintain fire breaks and such on the military reservation.


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