Allied Loader help


New User
Hello, As my name says, I'm a rookie here with tractors. I have a 1959 MF65 with an Allied loader (ref # 2572A not sure if that's the model #). I'm having the joystick control valve rebuilt and will need to drain and change the hydraulic fluid. Being my first time dealing with a tractor and/or hydraulics I'm not too sure how to drain the system. I've been unable to find any info on this loader. Is the ref# that I mentioned the actual model #? I got that ref# off a sticker on the side of the loader. I'd like to find some info on how to properly change the fluid as well as the type and capacity of fluid needed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've learned the hard way not to assume and it's better (and cheaper) to just ask questions before you attack something new. Thankyou
This would be easier to answer if we knew where your hydraulic pump that supplies the oil is on the tractor. Is it up front under the radiator? Is it on the back hanging on the PTO shaft or is using transmission oil to supply the pump? Your loader control valve will have a inlet side and an outlet side.
Follow the outlet side ( return ) hose and it will take you to the oil reservoir.
Some loaders use the frame as the tank and if yours does, there will be a bottom plug, a check level smaller plug further up and a breather.

This would be easier to answer if we knew where your hydraulic pump that supplies the oil is on the tractor. Is it up front under the radiator? Is it on the back hanging on the PTO shaft or is using transmission oil to supply the pump? Your loader control valve will have a inlet side and an outlet side.
Follow the outlet side ( return ) hose and it will take you to the oil reservoir.
Some loaders use the frame as the tank and if yours does, there will be a bottom plug, a check level smaller plug further up and a breather.

Thanks for responding. I believe the pump itself is in front of the radiator. I sent the control unit out for an overhaul and am picking it up tomorrow. I'll take a closer look as to where the lines run and get back to you. I won't be able to move the tractor until I change/add hydraulic fluid so I'm trying to find some kind of manual or info on this loader. I'm guessing it's an older model based on the look of it. The only marking on it is a small sticker on the arm that says Allied Ref. No. 2572-A.

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