Alternator mounting on a 35


I have an alternator on my 35 Z134 converted from a generator.
I used an adapter bracket, but I noticed that where the original bracket bolts to the block, maybe it could be mounted down there.
The later models with alternators mount there.
My question: Can the original bracket be used to mount a Delco 10si alternator? Or would I need to make a new one? Would the bolts in the block let coolant leak if they were removed to mount a new bracket?
Anyone know what size spacer would be needed to get the pulley aligned with the engine pulley?
I have a MF 2135 with the Z134 that was converted from a generator to a 10si alternator before I bought it. It is mounted on the original bracket, but the previous owner had to remove some material from the alternator for clearance. The alternator quit working a couple of years ago and I noticed the modification when I took it off, so I just had and alternator shop rebuild it. I can get a picture of it if you want after this weekend.
Here are some pics of the alternator.

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Alt4.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket

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