
Well-known Member
The generator is toast on my Oliver super 88 diesel, I bought a small one wire alternator to replace it. Starter and preheater are only things needing power, no lights. Wiring is shot, I ran a new wire from generator to ammeter guage trying to see if the generator worked. Is that all I need for wiring or do I need something else hooked up?? Other wire from ammeter goes to preheater post that is hooked to the battery. The alternator has 2 spades besides where the one wire hooks to, do I have to use them or just ignore them? Thanks, Chris
Never worked on an Oliver. I would say that one wire is all you need. So is there more small wires coming off the connection on the pre heater? The voltage regulator was connected some way do you have that disconnected? Does a rod engage a switch right on the starter? If there is a solenoid it needs to be powered from somewhere. If there is a switch and solenoid to start it, to do it right that should be powered off the same terminal of the ammeter where you placed the red wire. If the seller said it is a “one wire” alternator and you trust them you shouldn’t need to connect the small spades. Then if it doesn’t charge more investigation will be needed.
That alternator is negative ground. Right?
Is your tractor currently wired up as negative ground?
Never worked on an Oliver. I would say that one wire is all you need. So is there more small wires coming off the connection on the pre heater? The voltage regulator was connected some way do you have that disconnected? Does a rod engage a switch right on the starter? If there is a solenoid it needs to be powered from somewhere. If there is a switch and solenoid to start it, to do it right that should be powered off the same terminal of the ammeter where you placed the red wire. If the seller said it is a “one wire” alternator and you trust them you shouldn’t need to connect the small spades. Then if it doesn’t charge more investigation will be needed.
No solenoid, rod to engage starter. Preheater has 1 large wire and 1 small running to ammeter. I replaced wire from regulator to ammeter, will use it to hook to alternator.
That alternator is negative ground. Right?
Is your tractor currently wired up as negative ground?
Currently positive ground. If I switch battery ground then it should be ok since there is nothing else using power, correct?
Guy brought me an M Farmall and said get it to charge with this one wire alternator, NOT A ONE WIRE. You will need to run a key power wire with a diode just like a delco. Will try and remember to look at my log splitter as I used one of those alternators on there also. And let you know in the am.

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