Another KCM update.


Well-known Member
We talked at length this afternoon. He has logged into YT and read all your posts to him. I think there was a little catch in his voice when he explained he didn't even know a lot of you. I think he didn't fully realize how widespread his pics and puzzles were being viewed, and cherished.

On another note, he is looking to part with his Farmall 460 gas project tractor. It is a runner. If you are close enough to extreme NW Minnesota, and need this tractor, I can forward your contact info to him. Steve
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We talked at length this afternoon. He has logged into YT and read all your posts to him. I think there was a little catch in his voice when he explained he didn't even know a lot of you. I think he didn't fully realize how widespread his pics and puzzles were being viewed, and cherished.

On another note, he is looking to part with his Farmall 460 gas project tractor. It is a runner. If you are close enough to extreme NW Minnesota, and need this tractor, I can forward your contact info to him. Steve
Thank you for the update.
We talked at length this afternoon. He has logged into YT and read all your posts to him. I think there was a little catch in his voice when he explained he didn't even know a lot of you. I think he didn't fully realize how widespread his pics and puzzles were being viewed, and cherished.

On another note, he is looking to part with his Farmall 460 gas project tractor. It is a runner. If you are close enough to extreme NW Minnesota, and need this tractor, I can forward your contact info to him. Steve
Thank you Steve. Do miss his post's and puzzle's. Wish him all the best. Richard
We talked at length this afternoon. He has logged into YT and read all your posts to him. I think there was a little catch in his voice when he explained he didn't even know a lot of you. I think he didn't fully realize how widespread his pics and puzzles were being viewed, and cherished.

On another note, he is looking to part with his Farmall 460 gas project tractor. It is a runner. If you are close enough to extreme NW Minnesota, and need this tractor, I can forward your contact info to him. Steve
I miss KCMs photos, not only because I enjoyed the photos, but because no photos means KCM is still struggling, and I wish him the best.
Thank you for the update.

I so enjoy his puzzles, was a daily thing for me. I blocked viewing the picture as his post loaded, and then enjoyed putting together the mystery of what it was.

I think of him often, and hope for the best.

Thanks for all the fun you brought me KCM. :)


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