Anyone use acraglass gel?


Well-known Member
Acraglas gel is used mostly by gunsmiths to bed can also be used as a bonding agent which is what I use it for.the box I have does not harden even using extra hardening agent.anyone have or had this problem.and yes I use it on my tractor to bond cracked light fixtures,broken grills,stuff like that.I’ve used some in the past with great results.formula change?bad box?……….
Most likey just a bad/old hardener. Not sure if you can buy just hardener or not.
I've found the small tubs of both paste and hardener on eBay. If you don't mix it 1 to 1 it will stay soft. If the paste is crystalized, you can warm it up just a bit in the microwave to make it smooth again. It will not mix well when crystalized. I had some that was at least 20 years old, and crystalized. I warmed it up, mixed it, and it is now holding my front-mount hydraulic pump together. I broke the suction pipe out of the aluminum casting. Cleaned and degreased it really well and it's been holding for 3 years. Back in the day, I did use it for its intended purpose and free floated a few barrels in custom stocks. steve
I've found the small tubs of both paste and hardener on eBay. If you don't mix it 1 to 1 it will stay soft. If the paste is crystalized, you can warm it up just a bit in the microwave to make it smooth again. It will not mix well when crystalized. I had some that was at least 20 years old, and crystalized. I warmed it up, mixed it, and it is now holding my front-mount hydraulic pump together. I broke the suction pipe out of the aluminum casting. Cleaned and degreased it really well and it's been holding for 3 years. Back in the day, I did use it for its intended purpose and free floated a few barrels in custom stocks. steve
It really does work and hold well usually.guess I got some bad hardener.I don’t mind buying more as long as the next box works as intended

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