Artificial milk?

Why would you think dairy farmers are entitled to some special place in the marketing and sale of food items?Either produce what consumers want to buy or go broke just like any other business.Consumer Dollar$ have the final say.
Isn't that what Powdered Milk was??? Who remembers that crud? Next thing you know is they will try to get us to buy into veggies burgers and sausages. Wait, already doing that. Nope, not buying it. You want to be a vegetarian, go ahead, and get some plants to eat. You need amino acids to develop brain activity. Best source: BEEF and meat! Explains one reason greenies are all brain dead.

Tim Daley(MI)
Curious to me that people feel the exact opposite toward mom-n-pop shops ; they should be protected and everyone should hate wal mart. But the same people dont think we should have shunned the refrigeration industry to protect the ice-man.
If diary farmers shouldnt be protected, why not remove the ethanol subsidy from corn?
Barnyard I don't know where you come up with all the BS you claim on milk ,ice cream, and butter. I'm 64 take no medications for anything eat more sugar and salt than most people do in a week during my normal day. Drink a big glass of chocolate milk with 2 eggs and a couple slices of toast with cheese on it for breakfast every day about. Salt on the eggs heavy. And so the day goes. I was told the old wives tale by my grandparents not to eat to much salt I would not be able to have it when I got older along with the same tale about sugar. I put about 2 good tablespoons on a bowl of cereal, or have a malt about once a week or more when the grandson is over for a few days. It is more a treat to him since he doesn't get them at home. Mom is one of those sugar and salt nuts. I don't buy into the health and salt ot sugar thing. I think it is more what your genetics are than that. My dad is 90 and still going has a malt, or something sweet every day along with a fair amount of salt. He frie everything about.
I agree the gov't subsidies should be removed and I have really never understood the anti Walmart crowd, they are selling the same things every other store sells just at a cheaper price most times.And apparently millions of folks feel the same way.
(quoted from post at 08:10:09 03/13/23) I agree with you cat guy. 99 percent genetics.

99 percent genetics, and 99 percent of us don't have the genetics to eat whatever we want and live to be 90.

One guy who won the genetics lottery does not negate anything I said.
Pa had a stroke at 68. He was a meat and potatoes guy. Dr. told Mother you can't feed him like that anymore. So Mother fed him the Dr. prescribed diet of apples and carrots, lettuce with no dressing, no
butter on the carrots. He lived a miserable life after that. Lost 40 lbs, no strength. He died in 2 yrs. I always believed he would have lived 2 more years eating meat and potatoes. That's been 35 yrs.

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