B414 Gas starter motor help!


New User
Hi everyone, new to the forum! But have been reading a lot but seems most have the diesel version. I have been racking my brain on this issue. I have a 1962 IH B414 gas tractor (BC-144 engine) I bought last year. Was running great but the starter went out on it.

I found one on ebay for almost 300 bucks that is like the original. But I was wondering if there's a newer and cheaper alternative? Currently it is a negative ground 12v system. The starter is mount ground and the seafood is separate like original. Is there a replacement that has the newer type starters with the solenoid attached?

Of note I ordered one on Amazon that said it fit the b414 gas model but it would not fit due to it hitting wither the frame or the engine casing.

Any help or ideas would be appreciated! Thank you!
If it was me, I would send it to Hagemeister Enterprises in Oregon and never worry about it again. Not sure about seafood though.
If it was me, I would send it to Hagemeister Enterprises in Oregon and never worry about it again. Not sure about seafood though.
Haha inwas confused. Stupid auto correct, solenoid is separate. I assume Hagemeister does rebuilds? Probably cost just as much as to buy the one on ebay for 290.
Look around for a starter shop in your area. Got the one on my 424 rebuilt last year. $100. Pretty sure it's the same as yours and it's a tight fit.
I also would find a good auto electric shop to rebuild the original starter, you know it will fit and I don't have much faith in the quality of the majority of the cheap aftermarket replacement parts. The independent rebuilders generally use the highest quality parts available. Just my opinion and I guess I'm lucky because I have a good rebuilder who has always given me good service. I had my guy rebuild one for a B 414 a couple years ago. worked great since.
Look around for a starter shop in your area. Got the one on my 424 rebuilt last year. $100. Pretty sure it's the same as yours and it's a tight fit.

I will definitely look around some more then. The original is just the starter and a very easy fit. But with a solenoid added, not so much. Thank you.
Hello TJB, welcome to YT! Why do you feel it is necessary to install a starter that has a mounted solenoid? The separate solenoid has started it for 60 years and many other machines and vehicles are designed this way and have worked for years. The IH starter number is 3045322R91, but not available. The gas 414 was probably a low production model so aftermarket parts are less plentiful. The “outboard” drive also makes it unique. In case you are not aware of it here is a link to the manufacturers parts catalog.
CNHI IH B414 gas parts catalog
I appreciate it! I have looked around for a while and yes parts for the starter specifically seem hard to find. Seems the same or similar starter even was used in thr Midget cars. But I was just curious if the newer starters with the solenoid were better for any reason. I'd rather rebuild it so I will wait for the few shops I contacted to respond. I appreciate all the help. It's been driving me crazy.
The BC-144 engine was a British IH built engine and originally would have had Lucas electric starter motor, there was a Delco replacement at one time. The B414 gas units that were shipped in a crate to IH Louisville, KY could have been fitted with the IH USA built C-146 engine which is different from BC-144. Therefore a different starter moto.
Hi folks, first timer here. I picked up a B414 gas tractor that had been sitting. In the process of getting it back to dirt worthy, I ordered a gear reduction starter to replace the worn out Lucas M418g . When the new starter arrived ( picture below) it is a clockwise starter and I can’t figure out how to mount it ?? Looking at the starter the bevels on the teeth are on the opposite side that what it spins . Company swears I have the right starter. I can’t figure out how it could be ? Little help please..Stilts33


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