Back to the Allis B govern/carburetor issue I still haven't resolved.

But 1st while moving the tractor out of the barn a rear wheel/rim with wedges came off the tractor, cut the valve stem and now flat tire. I'd like to confirm that I should have two "cross" marked bolts 90 degree apart from each other and two different types of wedges? Also the wedge that goes in between the welded bars on the rim would be of the wedge style that does not allow the bolt to turn? Please correct me if I'm am wrong. I'm going to paint the rim while it off and then back to the governor/carb issue. Thanks for your patience.
Does it look the same as the other side? If you have a manual I’d look at that it might tell you or send a picture. What do you mean different types I’m not an AC guy but that doesn’t seem right 2 different types of wedges everything I’ve ever seen from a John Deere b to a 500 hp challenger with tracks the only difference between wedges might be if there’s a flat spot or groove in the axle. Picture again worth a 1000 words
you have two regular block clamps and two that have a CAM bolt inside.. As you TURN the bolt head ( the CROSS), the clamp will tighten up on the rim and hold tight.. YES... The two SIMILAR ones go 90 degrees apart... To reinstall, put a REGULAR clamp at the TOP of the wheel hub with the bolt snug... roll the rim over to the tractor and slide it over the clamp.. Jack the tractor up an inch so the rim in hanging on that one clamp... Now you can install the other 3. ... I think you will find that the REGULAR block clamp fits between the welded blocks on the rim..
Does it look the same as the other side? If you have a manual I’d look at that it might tell you or send a picture. What do you mean different types I’m not an AC guy but that doesn’t seem right 2 different types of wedges everything I’ve ever seen from a John Deere b to a 500 hp challenger with tracks the only difference between wedges might be if there’s a flat spot or groove in the axle. Picture again worth a 1000 words
"Not an AC guy" .... Then don't reply if you don't know, sheesh 😔......
"Not an AC guy" .... Then don't reply if you don't know, sheesh 😔......
Haha yeah I agree mostly although I figured the only reason to reply is he might have one that looks right on the other side of the tractor...he talked like one side was off make it like the other side is what I'd do
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Please see the attached two photos. Both photos have are wedges positioned in the same location on each photo. But on the second photo the wedges have been rotated to show the opposite side of the wedge.

Fixingfarmer Sir, To answer your comment. The wheel on the other side has one cross bolt. Good comment! I didn't think to check that.

Steve Sir, I understand now where the different style wedges should be installed. With one question, does it make a difference which side of the wedge should be facing inward? And to your point I didn't realize the two style wedges have a different length. THX for that info.


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So two crosses he needs per side if I understand that correct Steve and also one more FOR SURE on the other side if it’s missing? And i would have been wrong to suggest making it like the other side of both were wrong but it was good he looked!

Thank you for the picture I figured you were talking a collet for the axle hub when you said “wedges”
So two crosses he needs per side if I understand that correct Steve and also one more FOR SURE on the other side if it’s missing? And i would have been wrong to suggest making it like the other side of both were wrong but it was good he looked!

Thank you for the picture I figured you were talking a collet for the axle hub when you said “wedges”
I think the "thank you" should be coming from me, not you! Your suggestion made me look! Thank you!

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