grandpa Love
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  • Long story short, my oldest son (16) purchased an early Lo Boy about 2.5 months ago. Now we've found the 2/3 sliding gear and 2nd gear are chipped (and the 1st/rev shift fork broke). I was able to find all the parts except 2nd gear...(here comes the plea for help). Knowing your experience in cubs, would you have a spare 2nd gear you'd be willing to sell to a farm kid in southeast Nebraska? He needs is 364 519R1.
    grandpa Love
    grandpa Love
    I have a 154 Lo-boy parts machine and a regular cub parts machine. Call me, 256-404-0123
    hollered at you late last week about the cub gear, but you didnt answer (no big deal). Looking for a 2nd gear with 72 teeth. Call anytime after 4:30 Central - 402-450-8239
    We exchanged a few messages a while back when you got a Ford 503 rake. Did you ever use it? Seemed like you stopped posting about it. Anyway, do you still have it or any parts? I need the reel drive pulley for mine. The one behind the PTO shaft bearings, part no. 146607. Would you have one?
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