big ol tractor


Well-known Member
several older guys be tractor talking id hear that 400 case is a BIG OL TRACTOR.
later years i learned why. most had other brands equivlent to a 400 but were in field with a 400. seems the 400 was noted for sneaking up behind em plowing cut throttle to headland
1 story i like,neighbor had a new 400 farmall. his neighbor had a heavy 1 way cutting disc he was pulling with his 400 case. the farmall owners son thought he could pull that disc so they switched.during the change 1 guy screwed the depth stop down 3 inches. 400 farmall went 5 ft. switched back n the 400 case pulled it and was still set 3 inches deep. he went to headland got off emptied his bladder and raised disc up
That reminds me of a visit to our reputable Case dealer in Algoma, WI Braun Implement. This must have been about 1960. My Dad and I walked back to the shop area to ask Fritz the mechanic a question. He was working on a big 500 diesel and I couldn't believe my eyes. I had never seen such a monster. In our neighborhood a DC4 or Super M was considered a big tractor. My Dad wondered who on earth would need such a big tractor.
Dad and I took 2 of Dad's DCs and a couple 3/16plows to help my uncle plow an 80 that he rented. Dad and I got there and the uncle's brother had a new 500 diesel and 5/16 Case plow. I sure wanted to drive that big tractor and plow but only got to follow it thru the field.

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