Blearus Clutch Won't Disengage


New User
Belarus 825 was operating normally in Nov 07. I parked it for the winter. Started it up today (4/20/08) and cannot put it in gear. Gears grind. Clutch will not disengage. Everything was fine 6 months ago - no slippage. I checked out the obvious, spings, levers, etc. Is there a way to free this up without breaking the tractor in half?
The clutch disc is no doubt stuck to the flywheel. They can often be freed up by working the tractor for a while with the clutch blocked down. I would normally get the tractor out in the open in a higher gear and stand on the brakes to put a good load on the engine at torque speed, but old red probably doesn't have the brakes for that even if they do work right. Just try working it and getting a good load of some sort on it for some time.... perhaps a few hours.
Failing that you will need to split her open and pry the disc loose.

does it have an access cover by clutch? If so take that off and spray some penetrant in. Then put it in gear without engine running, hold clutch pedel in and have someone pull you around yard stopping and starting until it breaks loose. Then put it up against a tree in high gear and smoke the hell out of clutch so it don't happen again.
(quoted from post at 17:08:39 04/20/08) The clutch disc is no doubt stuck to the flywheel. They can often be freed up by working the tractor for a while with the clutch blocked down. I would normally get the tractor out in the open in a higher gear and stand on the brakes to put a good load on the engine at torque speed, but old red probably doesn't have the brakes for that even if they do work right. Just try working it and getting a good load of some sort on it for some time.... perhaps a few hours.
Failing that you will need to split her open and pry the disc loose.


lol on the brakes...been there...apparently the diff lock uses the same pads.
Thanks for the help everyone. This is a success story. Here is what I did:

* Blocked the clutch down with a concrete block (24 hrs). Started up and the clutch still would not disengage.
* There is an interlock on the shift lever and ignition so I can't normally start in gear. Fortunately, where the tractor was parked, it was aimed at wide open space. So I tried shoving into gear just as I tried to start the engine. I was able to get the tractor moving at a safe speed. Depressing the clutch pedal still would not stop the vehicle (obviously, I was ready to choke the engine if necessary to stop).

After a few feet (~ 15), I slammed on the brakes. The tractor worked a little. I pressed the clutch and it stopped. The 825 is working normally now. So now its on to the next step.

This forum is so awesome!

I have a Belarus 800, same problem, about gave up and split the tractor. Glad I came here first.

Had my wife pull the tractor with the F250, while the tractor was is high gear. I started up, and I stood on the brakes, it lugged out, and the clutch freed up.

Thanks again for the advice here!
I am having this issues after 2 months of the tractor being idle over winter.

Anonomous-O, what is this mystical penetrant of which you speak? WD-40 or Blaster? Can that be good for the clutch friction material?

anton5052, do you pull the tractor around with it in high gear, turning over the engine while it's not running?
I had my neighbor come over with his tractor. Had to pull the Belarus around the field for about 50 yards in different gears, forward, backward, until the clutch finally gave it up and let loose. I was in the highest gear, 9, when if finally let loose.

Thanks for the tips!

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