I am about as much use on mechanical issues as a trapdoor in a canoe. As a result I bought a JD 2640 and, of course, it's spent more time at the repair shop than running. My latest set of connecting issues is that I had to buy a new tire. I lifted the wheel using the bucket. Just before I took the wheel off I almost ran out of diesel, so I put in 5 gallons. When I went to put the wheel back on, I couldn't lift the bucket because the tractor wouldn't start. It turned over but wouldn't fire. I read my (next to useless manual) and determined how to bleed the fuel line. Miracle of miracles, the tractor started. However, when I tried to lift the bucket, none of the hydraulics worked. So, I added Hydraulic fluid, started the tractor and the hydraulics didn't work. Then, suddenly the 3pt hitch raised and the hydraulics worked. I lifted the wheel and put the axle on blocks so I could put the wheel on. After struggling for an hour I found that it was a 2 man job. Contacted my neighbor who came over this morning and we were able to put the wheel on. I started the tractor and tried to use the bucket to lift the wheel, and, no hydraulics. I've read the manual, and quite frankly, it could be written in hieroglyphics, for as much as I understood it.
Can anyone please help simplify how to bleed the hydraulics or tell me what else it might be?
Can anyone please help simplify how to bleed the hydraulics or tell me what else it might be?