Bought another tractor today


Well-known Member
I was watching a Oliver 1655 on Steffes Auction website. Nice tractor ,I saw it on a tractor ride last summer. I thought it was awful cheap and ended up getting it for $3,300 plus a 10% buyers premium. Only downside is it's only a 6 speed. I'll look into adding a used Hydra Power or an Over/Under when it warms up next spring. I'll post a picture when I get it home.
I was watching a Oliver 1655 on Steffes Auction website. Nice tractor ,I saw it on a tractor ride last summer. I thought it was awful cheap and ended up getting it for $3,300 plus a 10% buyers premium. Only downside is it's only a 6 speed. I'll look into adding a used Hydra Power or an Over/Under when it warms up next spring. I'll post a picture when I get it home.
Chris always good to get another Oliver. Get it up and running for the WHO ride.
I was watching a Oliver 1655 on Steffes Auction website. Nice tractor ,I saw it on a tractor ride last summer. I thought it was awful cheap and ended up getting it for $3,300 plus a 10% buyers premium. Only downside is it's only a 6 speed. I'll look into adding a used Hydra Power or an Over/Under when it warms up next spring. I'll post a picture when I get it home.
I ,didn't realize they came with an over/under delete. That's a great price, especially if it's a diesel

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