Brake bands on Versatile 400 swather

First, I didn't realize that I'd posted so many questions on here over the years.

Bought another 400 and used a swather trailer that carried entire machine. Nearly killed me getting it off. Think the brake bands were hanging up or at least one was causing it to spin around. Does anyone use that brake?

Dont have an operators manual for either machine. The chain going to the drive axle, is it supposed to be in an oil bath, or can the chain be oiled occasionally? I will only use them for cutting 35 acres of cowpeas for seed.
you take the top cover off and pour in some 80-90 gear oil till the bottom of the chain is in oil. then it splash lubes every thing inside. i nver use those brakes, dont even need them. they are tricky unit to get used to . ou need to make sure the steering is centred before using the forward lever. there is also a safety neutral switch on them. it wont start if the steering is not centered. have owned them 400's for over 40 years. one of the best simple swathers.
Who handles Versatile parts now? I want to change the hydraulic oil filter, but would like to have one on hand. Swather says a 1977, not a spin-on filter. Any ideas?
Who ever the dealers are. I don’t have actual names of them. Try Napa or bumper to bumper also.

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