Building "JD A" Deadweight Pulling Tractor


Hello all! New here, so please give me a break! lol. My grandpa was always into pulling and my dad was for a little while but I would like to bring him back into it. I do not know a whole lot about the John Deere A's myself. I do know that we have an unstyled 1936 and 1938 John Deere A and I would love to turn one of them into a deadweight dirt track puller. I am not sure if these years of unstyled A's are known for being decent pullers (oem gearing, stroke, piston size, etc) so I decided to reach out to you guys for any words of wisdom. I was always told that the later year styled A's were the way to go now a days. Please let me know your thoughts, thank you in advance!
I would think first gear in an unstyled A would be too fast for dead weight. I know they are too fast for transfer sled without motor work. Late single stick six speed A's (51-52) have a much, much slower first gear.
I would think first gear in an unstyled A would be too fast for dead weight. I know they are too fast for transfer sled without motor work. Late single stick six speed A's (51-52) have a much, much slower first gear.
Yes, after doing a little research you are very correct. I am looking at several late model A’s. I am mechanically inclined and would like to do a medium build on one. Any suggestions?

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