Case 310 Chrysler flathead 6 Frankenstein


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I purchased a 1959 case 310 crawler with a bucket, ripper with counterweights. The original motor blew up and they put in a Chrysler flathead six cylinder. Haven’t ran the numbers yet on the Chrysler to figure out if it’s a 219 or 230 cu in ect. When the engine was put in they moved the hyd. Pump mount off the engine to the front cross member and made a drive shaft to run the hyd. pump.(pic#1 of my case 310 with mount for hyd. pump circled in red)
The question I have is could I use a pump off a later model case like a 310G?
With the inlet and outlet of the early hyd. Pump fit on the late model pump?
Would the late model pump inlet and outlet fittings will work with early hyd. Pump hyd hoses?

My plan is to put a late model hyd. pump from a 310G on my 310, ( pic #2 of replacement hyd pump),cut my drive shaft and weld a new coupler that will match my late model hyd pump spines (pic #3 old drive shaft red line where I will cut, pic #4 new coupler I will weld on) either attach the factory hoses if they will work with the new hyd. Pump or get new hoses made. Also can I use my early model pump hose inlet and out let fittings on the late model pump (pic #5 circle in red)
I don't see why not . The big thing will be the length of the couplers so the pump doesn't hit anything moving up and down, by the front of the engine like a blade or loader frame. If none of those are a problem . IF the fittings are different size just use a bushing to adjust the size or resize the hose as planed. You could possibly even get the thread size you want on the new hose so it would just screw on. Biggest issue I see is getting it all aligned, so the pump shaft or drive don't wear oddly or break off the new shaft on the new pump. If you could use a Lovejoy coupling it would allow for more imperfection in your drive alignment.
I don't see why not . The big thing will be the length of the couplers so the pump doesn't hit anything moving up and down, by the front of the engine like a blade or loader frame. If none of those are a problem . IF the fittings are different size just use a bushing to adjust the size or resize the hose as planed. You could possibly even get the thread size you want on the new hose so it would just screw on. Biggest issue I see is getting it all aligned, so the pump shaft or drive don't wear oddly or break off the new shaft on the new pump. If you could use a Lovejoy coupling it would allow for more imperfection in your drive alignment.
I like the love joy idea and I use them on my boiler and cooling tower pumps as well. Also when I was looking on line at the hydraulic system I noticed that have a 19gmp heavy duty pump, I’m assuming that this would move the bucket faster and a heavier load?
I like the love joy idea and I use them on my boiler and cooling tower pumps as well. Also when I was looking on line at the hydraulic system I noticed that have a 19gmp heavy duty pump, I’m assuming that this would move the bucket faster and a heavier load?
More gpm moves things faster ONLY. More pressure means more load.

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