
New User
Hi guys im new to this forum and hope im posting in the right area i have 2 case 446 tractors forsale dont know much about them picked up last year one is a 1979 it runs and the other is a 1985 motor is locked up also have a tiller, back blade, snow plow, tire chains and a mower deck looking to get 1500$ obo for the whole package
Welcome to the Forums.

Your post actually belongs in a classified ad, not this discussion forum. Near the top of the forum is a banner with several things in it. Click on the arrow at the right of Marketplace. Click on it and you should get a dropdown with Classified Ads as the top selection. Click on that to get to where you can enter the ad for your equipment.
Welcome to the Forums.

Your post actually belongs in a classified ad, not this discussion forum. Near the top of the forum is a banner with several things in it. Click on the arrow at the right of Marketplace. Click on it and you should get a dropdown with Classified Ads as the top selection. Click on that to get to where you can enter the ad for your equipment.
Thank you

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