
I am working on the case 450c dozer. When ever i move the left track lever out of the nuetral position i lose all trans pressure. The only thing i have done so far is remove the suction screen under the floor pan. It was pluged full of a rubber like material, is it part of a clutch pack and if so where is it located so i can replace it.
Thanks nate
Yep clutch material, fiber and metal disc, going to guess it is the left clutch drive pack, will have to split rails and pull trans to investigate, you need to lay the trans on its back to open it up, can't remember 100% but I am pretty sure you have to pull finals off the case to get the track clutch shafts out, if you are going in that far might as well do both sides, you will have forward reverse out too so might as well do them, all new seals and clutches!

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