Case 660 Combine


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Purchase my neighbors old Case 660 Combine been sitting in barn since around 1998. I remember him using it back in the 80s. They knew I like to cut fescue seed and needed it out of their barn so they asked if I was interested. Price was cheap enough. I was able to pull it about 3 miles over to my barn/shop. Put new points/plugs/rotor/cap and wires on yesterday and hope to try and fire her off this weekend. The head on it is about 12' wide and needs some attention. Not sure what else but I have cleaned it up some. Is there anything I need to be aware of before I go putting things in motion? Been using old allis chalmers 60 and 66 pull types to cut fescue the last 10 years or so. Just a hobby but could sell a lot more if I had it available. Hoping this machine might cut them a little faster and still do a good job
If the engine is Case, you should be good. If it is the Wisconsin engine, don't shut it off once you get it started. They don't like to start when they are hot.
It is a Case engine. Would you know the bin capacity on that 660? Saw one post that said maybe 50 but it doesn't look twice as big as the old 66 allis chalmers and I think it holds around 20-22.
Purchase my neighbors old Case 660 Combine been sitting in barn since around 1998. I remember him using it back in the 80s. They knew I like to cut fescue seed and needed it out of their barn so they asked if I was interested. Price was cheap enough. I was able to pull it about 3 miles over to my barn/shop. Put new points/plugs/rotor/cap and wires on yesterday and hope to try and fire her off this weekend. The head on it is about 12' wide and needs some attention. Not sure what else but I have cleaned it up some. Is there anything I need to be aware of before I go putting things in motion? Been using old allis chalmers 60 and 66 pull types to cut fescue the last 10 years or so. Just a hobby but could sell a lot more if I had it available. Hoping this machine might cut them a little faster and still do a good job
JD if I remember right the 660 was 40 bu. with factory extension it was 50. We had a 660 back in the 70's. Great machine was a pleasure to run. She was a hog with 2 row corn head. RB
Check the rubber bushings on the shoe, if they are hard, cracked or loose you need to change them. John saeli at external_link can get them for you. Just Google him
JDComer, not sure where you are located but we have some Case combine stuff. I have two new sets of rasp bars on the shelf. We have a 660 with a grain table and corn heads and one spare parts machine. We are close to retiring and I am leaning towards letting all this stuff go as we will likely rent out our farm ground next year. I am located in northern Missouri along the Iowa state line.

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