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I bought a case 970 with a locked up engine, the guy I bought it from said he thought the hydraulic pump is locked up (he said it has done it before where it built up too much pressure and he would take the starter off and turn the engine backwards and release the pressure and then it would work fine for a while). Just wondering if this is even possible. Also the engine oil on the dipstick is black but has no sign of anything metallic like if the engine turned a bearing or something.
I am just wondering if it is possible that the hydraulic pump is the problem.
I bought a case 970 with a locked up engine, the guy I bought it from said he thought the hydraulic pump is locked up (he said it has done it before where it built up too much pressure and he would take the starter off and turn the engine backwards and release the pressure and then it would work fine for a while). Just wondering if this is even possible. Also the engine oil on the dipstick is black but has no sign of anything metallic like if the engine turned a bearing or something.
I am just wondering if it is possible that the hydraulic pump is the problem.
Pump comes off pretty quick to check his theory.
If you remove the starter and check if it will move either way that would be helpful to know, a cylinder with water in it will not turn but should back up as water is non compressible. If the pump was the issue, it would seem that you should be able to move it some as the shaft flexes some. The Hydraulic pump would be the last thing I would expect to lock it but I suppose it's possible

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