Case W7 help with motor no start


New User
Hello I have an old w7 deisal that has sat for a long time Can some one help with what I might look for to get the motor started

It turn over but doesn’t even try to fire up
I have bled the injectors all new filter new fuel and tried starting fluid too !

Seems like there is something like a switch or something that’s not letting it even try to fire up (the gas pedal lock lever has been tried in both positions too)

Any ideas are appreciated


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Hello crz, welcome to YT! You said you bled the injectors does it seem to pump noticeable pulses of fuel out of the connections when you loosen them? If you do not really see defined squirts of fuel the pump is probably not really pumping. If this is what you found the “switch” you would like to find is a stuck control rod in the pump. Not sure if you have heard the term “stuck rack” but this is what I am referring to. It is not so much that the rack is stuck it is cylindrical parts that the rack rotates in a rack and pinion fashion that are stuck in their bores. Common thing that happens to diesel injection pumps that set for long periods. In the attached video of a similar pump the operation of the “rack” is being shown at the 12 minute mark. Bosch 4 cyl. inline pump. Depending what is causing the parts to stick and how tight they are you may be able to free them with a mix of spray carb cleaner and penetrating oil. I am no self proclaimed expert on these but there is a poster here that runs a pump rebuild shop he posts as Dieseltech. He may very well chime into this post. However, he is big into tractor rides so he may be participating in one of those.
Here is the manufacturers online parts catalog for your machine. Just to use for other reference purposes. There is no breakdown of the pump shown. CNHI Case W7 parts catalog.
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If it doesn't hit on starting fluid you would think lack of compression unless you are feeding it thru that oil bath air cleaner.
Take the 2 sided flat cap off the front of the injector pump and see if the rack moves. Grab the screw on the end of the rack and see if it moves freely. If not the pump needs to come off.

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