Cement Poured


Well-known Member
Finally got the cement poured for the jib crane base. Couldn’t find anyone to do it so 2 guys I used to work with came and helped. Then went to Rock Island and filled out paperwork for senior property assessment freeze and ate late lunch at Rudy’s Tacos. Came home and got the last brake out of super 88. I’m tired!!
Finally got the cement poured for the jib crane base. Couldn’t find anyone to do it so 2 guys I used to work with came and helped. Then went to Rock Island and filled out paperwork for senior property assessment freeze and ate late lunch at Rudy’s Tacos. Came home and got the last brake out of super 88. I’m tired!!
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Mighty fine mount base. Well done. I assume it is as high above grade as eventual concrete floor. Jim
Should be, it's a dirt floor with about 8" of packed limestone on it. If I get a floor poured, it can be dug down as far as needed.
Finally got the cement poured for the jib crane base. Couldn’t find anyone to do it so 2 guys I used to work with came and helped. Then went to Rock Island and filled out paperwork for senior property assessment freeze and ate late lunch at Rudy’s Tacos. Came home and got the last brake out of super 88. I’m tired!!
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Please tell us more about the senior property tax freeze. Is the frozen portion simply postponed and collected when the property is sold, or is cancelled in full?
It would be nice to know where in the heck all these posters are, to see if some of the comments might affect readers, or pique the interest of readers to follow through on their own tax issues!

If any are in MO, that helps me, if in AK, then not so much. zuhnc
Please tell us more about the senior property tax freeze. Is the frozen portion simply postponed and collected when the property is sold, or is cancelled in full?
Here in NH we have the "Elderly Exemption" No property taxes at all if you meet the criteria. However, you can have nearly no assets besides your home, and very low income, so few can meet the criteria.
Please tell us more about the senior property tax freeze. Is the frozen portion simply postponed and collected when the property is sold, or is cancelled in full?
Rock Island County, Illinois. seniors over 65 that make less than $65,000 can sign up to freeze the assessment value on their property on a yearly basis.
Please tell us more about the senior property tax freeze. Is the frozen portion simply postponed and collected when the property is sold, or is cancelled in full?
It's an Illinois thing 'Last year all my ''buys'' went up 30% and I got my 8% COL raise which put me over the cutoff. Means I will be taxed at current value not the one from 5 years ago!! Hoooah
I would also like to know the dimensions of your hole, yards of concrete poured, and the capacity of the jib you are planning.
I have thought about making one myself. Was thinking I would bury the entire rear axle of a 2? ton truck in the concrete and use the the outer axle bearings and hub for the pivot.
Finally got the cement poured for the jib crane base. Couldn’t find anyone to do it so 2 guys I used to work with came and helped. Then went to Rock Island and filled out paperwork for senior property assessment freeze and ate late lunch at Rudy’s Tacos. Came home and got the last brake out of super 88. I’m tired!!
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Same brakes as a 30 series Case.
Where did you find a cement truck driver that would back into your building? Around here they will not even put there chute inside a building, you have to rent a chute or bucket in the cement with a loader. That's been my experience.
If you don't mind my asking, what size jib, and what size is your footer?
I am planning one sometime.
The crane is rated for 1200#s, it came out of a local factory. Information I found on the internet said I needed 4X4 4 foot deep with rebar and 36" anchors. The hole was slightly larger, I gave them the size of the hole and they figured 3 yards of concrete, don't want to run short but there was plenty left over to find a home for fast. The strongest mix was 5000#s and added fiber. I told them it was inside and they said it didn't need air added, not sure what that means. I couldn't find the anchors locally, had to buy 10 to get 6 if anyone needs 4, I got them. Shipping was 3 times the cost of the anchors, GRRRRR!
It would be nice to know where in the heck all these posters are, to see if some of the comments might affect readers, or pique the interest of readers to follow through on their own tax issues!

If any are in MO, that helps me, if in AK, then not so much. zuhnc
If they're on z-map you can find out.

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