Changing generator to alternator


Well-known Member
The generator on my super88 Oliver diesel is toast and I want to replace it with an alternator. I have seen smaller size alternators than a Delco 10-si that fit under the hood better but the guy at Napa said he needs to know what the smaller ones come off of in order to find me one. Anyone have one or know what the model number or the kind of car the smaller ones come on? Thanks, Chris
The generator on my super88 Oliver diesel is toast and I want to replace it with an alternator. I have seen smaller size alternators than a Delco 10-si that fit under the hood better but the guy at Napa said he needs to know what the smaller ones come off of in order to find me one. Anyone have one or know what the model number or the kind of car the smaller ones come on? Thanks, Chris
Go on the 'net and GOOGLE "Mini alternator or "racing alternator".

LOTS to choose from and probably half price of the local parts $tore.
The generator on my super88 Oliver diesel is toast and I want to replace it with an alternator. I have seen smaller size alternators than a Delco 10-si that fit under the hood better but the guy at Napa said he needs to know what the smaller ones come off of in order to find me one. Anyone have one or know what the model number or the kind of car the smaller ones come on? Thanks, Chris
I like to use a Hitachi 14231 alternator, it is a smaller alternator than the Delco and wires up the same as a three-wire Delco. It looks good on the tractor. No more money than the Delco.
I like to use a Hitachi 14231 alternator, it is a smaller alternator than the Delco and wires up the same as a three-wire Delco. It looks good on the tractor. No more money than the Delco.
I agree. The L terminal is = to the Delco #1 terminal, the S terminal is = to #2 Delco. We can help with the wiring if you choose. Jim
The generator on my super88 Oliver diesel is toast and I want to replace it with an alternator. I have seen smaller size alternators than a Delco 10-si that fit under the hood better but the guy at Napa said he needs to know what the smaller ones come off of in order to find me one. Anyone have one or know what the model number or the kind of car the smaller ones come on? Thanks, Chris
Start & Charge Repair have them; Topeka, Indiana, 260-499-3071. I believe they have two models both with internal regulators.
I like to use a Hitachi 14231 alternator, it is a smaller alternator than the Delco and wires up the same as a three-wire Delco. It looks good on the tractor. No more money than the Delco.
Hitachi 14231's were used on Datsun 620s in the 1970's so they can be hard to source locally. When I last bought one about 20 years ago only one store in the entire greater Rochester NY area had one in stock. They weren't widely used or popular among "hot-rodders" like the delco 10si or the denso mini.

Looking at NAPA's offerings for "denso mini alternator," the cheapest one is $263. So unless your buddy is going to steal one for you, I suggest you just google it and snag one off Amazon or Ebay for $60-75.
Hitachi 14231's were used on Datsun 620s in the 1970's so they can be hard to source locally. When I last bought one about 20 years ago only one store in the entire greater Rochester NY area had one in stock. They weren't widely used or popular among "hot-rodders" like the delco 10si or the denso mini.

Looking at NAPA's offerings for "denso mini alternator," the cheapest one is $263. So unless your buddy is going to steal one for you, I suggest you just google it and snag one off Amazon or Ebay for $60-75.
I just checked the "big 3" parts stores here, all 3 had one 14231 in stock.
I just checked the "big 3" parts stores here, all 3 had one 14231 in stock.
Out of curiosity, I checked too. None within 150 miles... and a $40 core charge which you won't get back... ouch.


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Out of curiosity, I checked too. None within 150 miles... and a $40 core charge which you won't get back... ouch.
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Wow! Didnt even think about the core charge. Its funny one is $2.20, and another is 40 bucks! Anyways, I called my local alt/starter shop. He has a few smaller alts on the shelf, not a 14231, but others that size and would easily fit and replace his genny. I dont recall which one I put on my Cub, but it fit perfectly and wired easily and is a high output and will chug the engine down slightly until the amps drop. At the time I had other palns for the Cub and needed, IMO, more power from the battery.

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