caterpillar guy

Well-known Member
Since the family is going to celebrate Christmas today ,I'm going to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a happy new year at this time. The wife and I are going to just hole up and spend tomorrow alone with just us. Since everybody in the rest of the family are going to spouses families Monday for Christmas. My wifes Family is all out of State so nobody to spending time with. So a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
Best wishes. Most years were alone also as family is spread out in Texas California Florida and Indiana This year at least 2 of 3 are together. When I was a kid entire family was in small town all together but no longer grrrr. John T
Merry Christmas to you, we have ours Monday all my kids are still local. So wife cooking and I baleing out and putting combine away for the year and start on tractor and backhoe projects. Have a good peaceful day.
(quoted from post at 17:32:39 12/24/23) Since the family is going to celebrate Christmas today ,I'm going to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a happy new year at this time. The wife and I are going to just hole up and spend tomorrow alone with just us. Since everybody in the rest of the family are going to spouses families Monday for Christmas. My wifes Family is all out of State so nobody to spending time with. So a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

Merry Christmas!!

We are doing the same thing. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to yall as well and to everyone here on YT!

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