Cockshutt 540 hydraulic question

In trying out a generic 2-way hydraulic cylinder on my Cockshutt 540, I found it didn't work at all until I switched hoses, side to side, whereupon when the control lever was moved backward the cylinder extended fully but wouldn't retract until the hoses were switched back. Pushing the lever forward did nothing either way. (Control lever for 3 pt. hitch in full forward position) Do I have a simple control valve issue or?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Mike V
In trying out a generic 2-way hydraulic cylinder on my Cockshutt 540, I found it didn't work at all until I switched hoses, side to side, whereupon when the control lever was moved backward the cylinder extended fully but wouldn't retract until the hoses were switched back. Pushing the lever forward did nothing either way. (Control lever for 3 pt. hitch in full forward position) Do I have a simple control valve issue or?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Mike V
Here's a schematic.


  • Hyd.jpeg
    119.5 KB · Views: 49
Thanks for the replies and schematic
Pioneer coupler.jpg

I removed and cleaned the male fittings, both ok under thumb pressure, one a little springier than the other. When I tried the control lever, now it's loose, feels unconnected, so nothing happened. Will have to see what's going on under the cover.

Not set up for one way.
I've had plenty of those Pioneer tips that looked OK, but just didn't work. Do you have another one around that you can swap out?
Take a correct length bolt, grind it down to correct thickness and drill a hole it it. Install and go back to work.
Take a correct length bolt, grind it down to correct thickness and drill a hole it it. Install and go back to work.
Or cut the head off a bolt, cut a notch in the flat part of that piece and weld the bolt in. Five minute fix no matter which way you go.

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