Community Features Forum

I have to say the above thought does not appear to be the way it is.

Majorman claimed in his post that before the creation of Community Features section existed the picture threads were getting 100 hits per day.
Now with them appearing in the Community Features section, the picture threads are averaging way more per day than they were in Tales.

In fact, the picture threads done back before the new software change over in December are showing less hits NOW than the picture threads posted just yesterday and Monday! Even tho the December threads have been active for 120 days garnering hits.

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I would fully expect picture threads posted back in December to be receiving fewer hits than ones posted recently. I think most people are cognizant of the age of a post.

They also were in Tractor Talk back in the day, not in Tales except for the rare occasion when the poster, whether KCM or Majorman, accidentally put them in Tales. Before the software change there were way more threads posted in Tractor Talk than there were in Tales, which is indicative of more traffic there.

The point of my post was to provide feedback to Chris and forum staff about the effect of the change on this one forum user. I have no expectation that my point of view will change anything about the location of the picture posts.
I would fully expect picture threads posted back in December to be receiving fewer hits than ones posted recently. I think most people are cognizant of the age of a post.

They also were in Tractor Talk back in the day, not in Tales except for the rare occasion when the poster, whether KCM or Majorman, accidentally put them in Tales. Before the software change there were way more threads posted in Tractor Talk than there were in Tales, which is indicative of more traffic there.

Here is a screen shot from Sept. 16, 2023 page 80 of some picture threads that are still in Tractor Talk. And so with so much more exposure on TT than on Tales, the picture threads there and then are not garnering the number of traffic/hits they are garnering now in Community Features.
And the comparison is CF picture threads being active for a few days compared to those in TT that have been active for at least SIX months.
Six months to garner hits and they still do not surpass the hits that picture threads are getting in Community Features.

Your assumptions again appear to be invalid.

Here is a screen shot from Sept. 16, 2023 page 80 of some picture threads that are still in Tractor Talk. And so with so much more exposure on TT than on Tales, the picture threads there and then are not garnering the number of traffic/hits they are garnering now in Community Features.
And the comparison is CF picture threads being active for a few days compared to those in TT that have been active for at least SIX months.
Six months to garner hits and they still do not surpass the hits that picture threads are getting in Community Features.

Your assumptions again appear to be invalid.

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Do the view counts that you are referencing include hits under the old software, or only with the new software?
Do the view counts that you are referencing include hits under the old software, or only with the new software?
Good question and I do not know the definitive answer.

However, when I just went to page 6000 in TT which has threads from Feb. 2009, there are posts with up to 5,000 hits.
Therefore, I am going to say those threads would not have garnered 5,000 hits since the new software.
Good question and I do not know the definitive answer.

However, when I just went to page 6000 in TT which has threads from Feb. 2009, there are posts with up to 5,000 hits.
Therefore, I am going to say those threads would not have garnered 5,000 hits since the new software.
I think it is safe to say that old posts aren't going to generate the same hits as new ones. Because of that you are kind of comparing apples to oranges. Are my assumptions wrong, maybe. Are yours also wrong, again maybe.

This I do know, which was the point of my original post, I used to look at the pictures regularly under the old software, and at the beginning of the new software. Now, since they were initially changed to being under one recurring post and later moved to the Community Features I don't look at them. That is at least one fewer hit they now receive.

I'm only one user, but I'm guessing there are others where I am. The point is simply to provide feedback to Chris and company on the effects of the changes that were put in place. As a result of the feedback, Chis and company may decide to tweak something or may decide to do nothing.
I think it is safe to say that old posts aren't going to generate the same hits as new ones. Because of that you are kind of comparing apples to oranges. Are my assumptions wrong, maybe. Are yours also wrong, again maybe.

This I do know, which was the point of my original post, I used to look at the pictures regularly under the old software, and at the beginning of the new software. Now, since they were initially changed to being under one recurring post and later moved to the Community Features I don't look at them. That is at least one fewer hit they now receive.

I'm only one user, but I'm guessing there are others where I am. The point is simply to provide feedback to Chris and company on the effects of the changes that were put in place. As a result of the feedback, Chis and company may decide to tweak something or may decide to do nothing.

I'm confused as to why you won't look at them because they are in a different location?

What difference does that make? It's just a click or two away.
I think it is safe to say that old posts aren't going to generate the same hits as new ones. Because of that you are kind of comparing apples to oranges.

Quite odd, hits are hits, current threads are getting more hits in a few days than older threads have gotten in months?
Quite odd that you think that is not a Quantified comparison.
You do know that the hit count does not start over from zero each day or each week or each month, right?

But whatever you want to believe is your choice.

I am done.
We now have a new forum for feature threads that the community provides. This forum is for any recurring threads that an individual community member takes responsibility for and provides interesting information on an ongoing basis. The forum is not for threads started to chat or discuss general topics other than those that are planned as a feature. The features may be on-topic (tractors), or other related topics. Examples are (but not limited to) Puzzles, Photos, Jokes. The commonality is that they are items that the community member provides regular content for.

Unlike Tractor Tales, this forum is visible to non-members similar to how Tractor & Farm Talk is set up.

There have been complaints about the length that such features can grow to. This can be addressed by dating the features and starting new threads when they grow too large. For example, I might have a backlog of tractor jokes and start a feature thread to share those jokes. The first one could be called "Chris' Tractor Jokes - 02/20/2024" and for some period I choose, I use that thread until it grows too large, then start a new one (e.g., "Chris' Tractor Jokes - 03/01/2024"). You in the community can decide yourself how you want to do this. The sky is the limit. If your feature grows very quickly, just create a new version of the thread each day, or even every other day. It's up to you.

For other types of ongoing threads, particularly those related to your tractor restoration or repair projects, we would recommend these be handled in either the manufacturer forum related to your tractor, or one of the general categories/forums like Restoration and Repair.

Threads started as chit chat, will be removed or moved to a more appropriate forum.

The name "Community Features" is just the initial title to get it going. We will be working with the community in the future to come up with what they feel is a better title.
I was able to see Steve VA posts about signs and earworms bit now I cannot see them. Did they move or what happened?

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