Compact tractor hunt

I am not in the market for one now living in an apartment. So my question is, Does any one make a GAS powered tractor any more as I am alergic to diesel fuell fumes or exaust. just wondering if gas tractors still made.
No. Unless you call a riding lawn mower a "tractor."

There's just too many emissions hoops to jump through for a gas powered tractor bigger than a lawn mower, and not enough demand.

A certain fellow from Terra Haute has the same aversion to diesel fumes, and brought the subject up several times on the forum. Finally bought a diesel Kubota with a cab and now he can't stop singing its praises.
I wanted the smaller Kubota also, due to no regen. Was going to have to wait months to get one. Went ahead and got the 3301. I have been happy with it since I figured out how the regen process work. For starters, tear the regen pages out of the owners manual, and burn them. Written by a Japanese person with little English skills I guess. I love the hydrostat. Would not have one without it. Biggest problem, you really gotta watch what and how you lift with the loader, or get on slopes. To narrow. I put beet juice in the tires. I try to keep an implement on the back for added rear weight.

My old man friend is a now retired 42 year tractor mechanic (New Holland, Oliver, White, Kubota, Versatile, etc.). He always had a few truisms when it came to recommending a homeowner utility tractor:

1. Buy a Kubota
2. Identify the size/hp tractor you think you need, then get the next hp range up
3. Get a hydrostatic
4. Buy low hour used, unless you absolutely have to have new, then take advantage of the 0% offers.
No. Unless you call a riding lawn mower a "tractor."

There's just too many emissions hoops to jump through for a gas powered tractor bigger than a lawn mower, and not enough demand.

A certain fellow from Terra Haute has the same aversion to diesel fumes, and brought the subject up several times on the forum. Finally bought a diesel Kubota with a cab and now he can't stop singing its praises.
just took me about 3 years to talk GEARGE into it but so far he is happy LOL
just took me about 3 years to talk GEARGE into it but so far he is happy LOL
And the L3560 is Karen approved and Granddaughter approved. Even a woman can easly use an HST
Karen also used a terramite to dig out an old stump and a Farmall to mow her yard. She can use a clutch and shift gears.
I have 2 terrmite compact backhoes with HST
A HST is needed if you want to use loader to load dirt. You would have to slip a clutch to get a bucket full of dirt.
The L3560 replaced my Jubilee and it has a few more horses, which is nice.
I don't smell any diesel fumes. the particle filter works FINE.
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I am not in the market for one now living in an apartment. So my question is, Does any one make a GAS powered tractor any more as I am alergic to diesel fuell fumes or exaust. just wondering if gas tractors still made.
I don't smell diesel fumes from my compact. The exhaust is out the front and to the side with a lot of thrust, blowing the fumes away from you. If you are working in that area of the tractor just shut off the engine. Diesel power is so much simpler than gasoline and the efficiency is superb. I started with gasoline tractors because I couldn't afford diesel power. Now having 7 diesel tractors and zero gasoline, no way will I buy a gasser.
You might want to go a little bigger than an L2502 if you want to pick 1,000lbs comfortably
The 25 hp tractor is not made for heavy work and the narrow profile is a hindrance, especially on hill sides. if you want to consistently move 1,000 loads on a front end loader go up to something with 6' (outside measurement) rear tire spacing.
My cousin has an LS tractor. After several fights with the dealer soon after purchase he has been happy. I think it's about 35 HP. He hates the Regen but happy other than that. Some maintenance is tough as the pollution stuff makes access to the engine almost impossible. He has always done his own maintenance but had a dealer do valve adjustment. $800 +. His invoice had pages of parts removed and replaced just to adjust valves. Something to consider when shopping.
My small tractor is an LS M2-25. I have been very happy with it in the going on 3 years that I've had it. Would buy another LS if looking for another tractor and one was available at the right price to meet my needs.
I don't smell diesel fumes from my compact. The exhaust is out the front and to the side with a lot of thrust, blowing the fumes away from you. If you are working in that area of the tractor just shut off the engine. Diesel power is so much simpler than gasoline and the efficiency is superb. I started with gasoline tractors because I couldn't afford diesel power. Now having 7 diesel tractors and zero gasoline, no way will I buy a gasser.
just the pump where the deisel hose is the fuell spiled in guelling the vehical would start to make me sick so I avoid them as much as possible.
The 25 hp tractor is not made for heavy work and the narrow profile is a hindrance, especially on hill sides. if you want to consistently move 1,000 loads on a front end loader go up to something with 6' (outside measurement) rear tire spacing.
Yup, certainly a concern. Size of the tractor is a limiting factor for some of the tasks I'm wanting to do. the 1K lbs mark is a rough marker/target.

Why are you calling it regen? I assume that you are referring to exhaust particulate filter. If you operate almost anything equipped with one properly, it could never need to regenerate. Proper operation can be as simple as don't idle it. The systems can have problems, some brands more than others, but my experience over five years, is totally trouble free. And so far as hydro, if you use and carte for it properly all you need be concerned with is fluid and filter changes at some pretty broad intervals.
That's good to hear. I'm looking into options. it's not just the emissions control function, it's the amount of stuff that's in the way. Coming from a perspective on modern diesel trucks vs. mechanical diesels, it's night and day with the amount of 'stuff' in the way for any little upgrade.

Alfio… You haven’t mentioned what you really plan to do with said tractor. It difficult to provide useful insight if the application is unknown.
Good question. I have some 3 pt implements already (post hole digger, box blade, grading blade, etc). Aside from those, the main task would be to drag trees out of the woods and lift them onto my sawmill. Size is a limiting factor because of the slopes but also room between the trees. I don't want a giant tractor that has massive power but won't fit anywhere off trail.

I am not in the market for one now living in an apartment. So my question is, Does any one make a GAS powered tractor any more as I am alergic to diesel fuell fumes or exaust. just wondering if gas tractors still made.
I too can't stand the smell of diesel exhaust however Kubota's particle filter I can handle. No smell.
I'm not sure if particle filters are used on Kubota mowers like a ZTR,
I think I saw where Kubota may use a gas engine on some smaller mowers. Not 100%.
15 years ago I had to buy terramites because they were the only compact, 20 hp kohler gas, tractor on the market.
Terramite went out of business a few years back.
Only problem with Kubotas are paying $800 for the first 50 hour oil change and paying $200 because the crankshaft code the dealer said was an anomaly. What is an anomaly, an expensive computer fart.
Next time I will do my own service work
It is way cheaper to service my 1950 Farmall and 1953 Jubilee.
I can't tell you when the last gas tractor was made!
I'm shopping for a new compact tractor. I'd like to get something that's diesel powered, 4wd, has a loader rated to lift 1,000 lbs., and comes with a manual transmission or shuttle shift (no hydros). Shouldn't be that hard, right? Because I don't do this all the time, I didn't know that some tractors in this category have Regen. Ugh. No thanks. I looked at a Kubota today, closest to what I need/would like is a L2502. Only 25hp but dealer said everything bigger comes with Regen. I will be looking at Kioti next. Unclear on what they are doing for emissions. There's a Massey dealer nearby. What else should I be looking at? Brands or model recommendations would be welcome.

Or, and this is a big OR, should I give up on used and dive into the used market? I'm leaning new because the used stuff is often overpriced compared to new but now all this Regen stuff is pushing me back towards used.


I have a 43hp Kubota hydro L4310 I have skidded roughly a thousand firewood logs over the years plus brushhog work .the key to hydro longevity is using the correct transmission oil and filters .alot of guys pay thousands of dollars for a tractor then ho buy cheap hydraulic oil and put it in the transmission that's a big no no.
You're happy with it? Aside from some limited experience with made in India steel and motors, this may be total bias on my part but I'm hesitant to buy a machine made in India. I guess I should go to a dealership and take a good look.

I suspect if you research the "American" named tractors you'll be surprised where they come from too.....

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