David Brown 780


New User
hi, I am new to buying and owning tractors and this may be a stupid question but I have a David Brown tractor and all of the instruments have been disassembled and it appears that there is no control for glow plugs. am I correct in thinking that this tractor does not have glow plugs? becuase I can't find them either under the hood.
Hello woo welcome to YT! Correct it has no glow plugs.
For cold starts there is a wingnut to screw in on the
side of the injection pump that I believe advances the
timing. Once started it is turned back out. There is also
a plastic plug on the intake manifold with a felt in it to
apply starting fluid if needed. Send me an email and I
can provide you with access to manuals for your
tractor. I prefer not to post the access here due to the
forum host sell manuals. If you are logged in you
should see the email button in the bottom of my reply.
It will request you to fill out a short form for the email,
your first name and email is all you need to provide,
please make a reference to the DB 780 so I know
which post it is related to.

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