Deutz injector pump oil


I viewed a video that the man who owned a Deutz 4506 checked the oil level on the injector pump from a check plug. He added oil from a plug on the top of the injector. I thought maybe I should check mine on my D6207 as I did not know it contained oil. My Deutz does not have a check plug like the one on the 4506. My Deutz is a 1983 model. I would like to know if I should be adding oil to my pump? Any help would be appreciated.
Hopefully someone will be along that can provide you that information. Here is a link to an operators manual you can download for $20, I am sure this type of information will be in there. YT only offers manuals that cover the wiring diagram and clutch repair for your tractor model.
Edit: Should have know the link would be blocked by YT, you will have to search for Farm Manuals Fast to get it
I viewed a video that the man who owned a Deutz 4506 checked the oil level on the injector pump from a check plug. He added oil from a plug on the top of the injector. I thought maybe I should check mine on my D6207 as I did not know it contained oil. My Deutz does not have a check plug like the one on the 4506. My Deutz is a 1983 model. I would like to know if I should be adding oil to my pump? Any help would be appreciated.
Your operator maintenance section should tell you.
Google is your friend in this as well.

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