Did some digging this weekend

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Spent the weekend digging holes. Rented
this mini hoe to work on the sewer that
wasn't working anymore.


My sewer has been trouble since I bought the place, and they say for long before that too. So I just decided to run a new line rather than try to find the issue with the old one. Had some help from my son Eric, son-in-law Joe, and my friend Doug.


Dug in a total of 175' with a foot of sand and a foot of rock under, covered with rock and fabric.



All done. Will have to run over it with a drag when the clay dries out and break down some clumps and smooth it some, but that's it for now.


Since I had the hoe rented for the weekend I worked on some ditches to get some better drainage. Lowered one culvert and added another for better access to the other side of the ditch. Lowered the one 6 inches so it was at water level to get more drop to drain the wet spot at the far end of the field. Even at that there was only 12 inches of drop in 1/4 mile, so it will he a slow drain.

This is the main ditch that runs the length of the field. It was never deep enough and had filled some besides so it didn't do enough. I dug it put some a couple years ago with the DC, but it needed more. I did the main grade like this then came back and dressed up the edges.


This is the other end. I could only dig a few inches here, just enough to give the water a place to go.


This is the finished job. This first pic is the start, the lowered culvert is at the far end. That's Bonnie, my helper for the day. She ran the Lazer.


This is the far end where I Y'd off to go across a field to get the wet spot at he far side. Didn't look like much of a hill, but I had to get 3' deep at one point.



I will work it down with a disc and drag and use the back blade to level it more and dress the sides up and spread the dirt out more. But hopefully I'll have more ground that doesn't drown now.

I was suprrised at how dry it still was, we had almost 6 of rain in the last week, but there was no water in the ditch and the ground was dry at least down the depth I dug. I was surprised that much water could dissappear that fast. But til then we had had less than an inch all year.
Looks like fun. I should have bought a backhoe when I was a teenager. ( Case of course. ) Sure would have saved a lot of hand labor for me. Bill
(quoted from post at 17:00:00 07/31/23) Looks like fun. I should have bought a backhoe when I was a teenager. ( Case of course. ) Sure would have saved a lot of hand labor for me. Bill

A pond in the works? or would that not be conducive to have the run off to a pond area? CM
There is a pond/swamp on the far north
west end of the property. The end of the
ditch is authentic far south east end.
I was recently searching for a small mini hoe to modify for a project. I was very surprised that you can buy one brand new for less than $8k.

Nice price for that digger! Even if it is chinese, the usefulness of a small one like that is underappreciated!
That's what I thought as well. Been looking for a cheap one to modify for a project, but the new ones would work too.
In Wisconsin it would have to be approved by the county. Can not touch any thing to do with sewer without prior approvel and work has to be done by approved and certified company.
and everything is pretty much either tanks or a mound....
Just got done getting quotes for a mound here in central WI...
In Minnesota you can do your own work on a Septic system, BUT, it has to be designed by a licensed designer and approved by the county. It needs to be inspected before it is covered. I was a licensed septic installer in Minnesota before I moved to Wisconsin 6 years ago. I don't do them here. I was in NE Minnesota and most were mound systems there.
In Minnesota you can do your own work on a Septic system, BUT, it has to be designed by a licensed designer and approved by the county. It needs to be inspected before it is covered. I was a licensed septic installer in Minnesota before I moved to Wisconsin 6 years ago. I don't do them here. I was in NE Minnesota and most were mound systems there.
And mounds are NOT allowed in Illinois

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