F-806 steering, Won't turn left.

I started my 806D yesterday, Moved it around a little bit. The steering seemed to take just a little longer to start working than typical but I chalked that up to having sat for several months. Started it up this morning, Attempted to the wheels to the left and it feels like it is trying but no response. Turned the wheel to the right and back to center, No problem. I'm thinking that something may be air locked or the pilot valve is sticking. I'd appreciate any input any of you may have.
Yeah i think he means the dip stick by the left brake pedal, I bought mine new,in 1967 i run mine over full, but it does squirm a lot after it set overwinter !
Just added 5 gal. of fluid. No change either running or not. Attempting to manual steer with the engine not running. Still won't turn left. The I and T shop manual indicates that this may be an issue with the pilot valve. I'll keep you all posted. Thanks.[/quote]
When you turn to the right, pilot valve moves one way. When you turn back to center it moves the opposite way which is actually left turning. I would recommend you jack up front end and feel for a mechanical problem in bolster and steering arms.
Your 806 is no doubt a Tea Party Member. Or, if it's good for me, OK. If it's good for somebody else, it must be my taxes paying for it!!! True Son
Probably knocked a tooth out. If it is on the pinion gear (vertical shaft) it can be turned 180 degrees. If on the piston, well, you need a different one.
This is a follow up post. Problem solved. One of the bolts from the pedestal had backed out and was hanging up on the axle. It usually is the simple stuff....

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