Feature/Recurring threads

Ok Chris, I think we have a goer if you thing we can handle it. Not sure about the suggested title though, I would have liked one that suggested the content like "Pictures, Puzzles and Videos" which immediately tells people what it contains. I also think it would be a good idea to get DB4600, WalJohn and Rusty 6 involved in posting there too as they also post pictures and puzzles. There are others too like Absentminded Farmer who also posts great videos.
Why limit it to Pictures, Puzzles and Videos? Why not allow for jokes and funny memes (including GIFS)? What about when a member has a non-tractor project that they wish to document online, like rebuilding a barn or even their home? Maybe have a section for cars and trucks? And that could have a sub-section for things like 4-wheelers (ATV's), snowmobiles, lawn mowers, 2 stroke machines, etc... I almost suggested music, but it would have to be strictly enforced to be music that is created by our musical members. Oh, what about one that is for aircraft? We have a few pilots on the forum, and since planes are powered by engines, why not at least consider this one? I'm sure others can think of more possibilities.
I will tell the team. I think we should probably create it with the title I suggested just to get started quickly and maybe we can have a vote on various popularly suggested replacements for the final name. The name shouldn't be too restrictive and isn't necessarily tractor, but should be a category that non-members can see (because with puzzles as an example, a lot of unseen people use them daily).

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